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LEI Registration

Start your Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd) Registration process online at the Reasonable Price.

₹ 5000 /-

excl of GST  

What is LEI Registration?

LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier. It is a 20-character alphanumeric code that is assigned to legal entities that conduct financial operations. The LEI's principal goal is to create a standardized and globally recognized identity for businesses involved in financial markets.

In response to the 2008 financial crisis, the LEI system was implemented to promote transparency and the capacity to identify and monitor companies participating in financial transactions. LEIs assist regulatory authorities and market participants in tracking and analyzing systemic risks, which reduces the possibility of financial crime and misconduct.

Obtaining an LEI from an authorized Local Operating Unit (LOU) or an endorsed third-party Registration Agent is the first step in the LEI registration process. The legal entity provides thorough information about its structure, ownership, and other crucial aspects throughout the registration process. The LEI is published in a global database after it is issued, making it available to regulators, financial institutions, and the general public.

An LEI is frequently a regulatory requirement for businesses participating in various financial operations, and it is used across multiple jurisdictions to build a more transparent and accountable financial ecosystem.

Benefits of registering as a LEI

For entities involved in financial operations, registering for a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) offers various advantages. First and foremost, an LEI improves financial market openness and confidence, assisting regulatory bodies in monitoring systemic risks.
It simplifies worldwide transaction reporting while maintaining accuracy and reducing errors.

Many jurisdictions require the use of an LEI in various financial activities, thus entities with one have easier regulatory compliance. Furthermore, LEI registration enables efficient and precise identification of legal entities, supporting a more secure and accountable financial environment.

Businesses can access a greater choice of financial services, boost their credibility, and effortlessly participate in the global financial industry with improved visibility and standardized identity.

Documents Required for LEI Registration

Business Registration Form
Certificate of Incorporation or an analogous legal registration document demonstrating the entity's legal existence.
Proof of Legal Form and Governance Structure
Documents describing the entity's legal structure and governance, including organizational documents.
Ownership Structure Information
Details on the ownership structure, including direct and ultimate parent entities
Financial Statements (if any)
Recent financial statements may be necessary for businesses engaged in financial activities
Business Registration Number
The official registration or identity number assigned to the entity by the appropriate authorities
Legal Entity Name and Address
Documentation clearly stating the name and registration address of the legal body
Entity Identifier Codes
Existing entity identifying codes, such as tax identification numbers, if appropriate.
Executed Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney paperwork is required if an authorized representative is applying on behalf of the entity
Personal Identification Documents
Documents of identification for those identified as executive officers, directors, or other significant professionals
Business Activity Data:
Details about the key business activities and industry classification

Procedure for Registering as a LEI

Choose a LOU or Registrar
Select a Local Operating Unit (LOU) or an LEI-authorized Registration Agent
Fill out the Application Form
Obtain the LEI application form from the selected entity and submit accurate information about the legal entity, such as its structure, ownership, and key individuals
Submit Required Documents
Gather and submit the required documents, such as the Certificate of Incorporation, proof of legal form, and ownership structure information
Fee Payment
Pay the necessary registration costs for the LEI issuance process
Verification Method
The LOU or Registration Agent checks the provided information and papers for accuracy and
LEI Issuance
Following successful verification, the LEI is issued and registered in the Global Legal Entity
Identifier System (GLEIS).
LEI Renewal (where applicable)
Keep track of the LEI's validity and renew it as needed, typically once a year

Why SHR for Your LEI Registration?

Time-Efficient Processes:
SHR provides timely LEI registration, giving you a competitive
advantage through faster access to financial markets and regulatory compliance.
LEI Expertise:
We have extensive knowledge of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI). SHR's experts keep up with LEI laws, assuring accurate and compliance registration and preparing your company for
global financial transparency.
Cost-effective solutions:
SHR provides LEI registration services that maximize your investment, provide long-term value, and allow you to access global financial markets without breaking the bank.
Confidentiality Assurance:
We prioritize the security of your company data. SHR maintains
absolute confidentiality throughout the LEI registration process to ensure the safety of your
sensitive information.

Related Business Certification & License Registrations

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Private Limited Company
As part of their yearly filings, businesses are required to compile and submit accounts.
Private Limited Company
As part of their yearly filings, businesses are required to compile and submit accounts.
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